Thursday, January 13, 2011

Food for Sustenance vs. Food because it Tastes Good

I'm sitting here at work... starving... which brought me to this post.

In an earlier posting, I stated that I've always struggled with my weight; always, for the better part of my life, being on the heavier side of things.  But in the last few weeks, I've attempted to turn another cheek.  Smaller meals, snacks, and what have you over shorter periods of time.  It seems to be working out for me, because the scale is tipping back to fighting weight, slowly but surely.

For some, including myself, it is so difficult to eat heathfully, keeping in mind calories, cholesterol, fats, blah blah blah.  It brings up an episode of "Martin" for me, where Martin decides to go on a heath kick, "eating to live, not living to eat".  I can't live my life on just rice cakes and salads.  But what I have found is that if I mix a little bad with a little bit of the good, I can at least feel better about what I'm putting into my body. 

For example, today's breakfast consisted of Oatmeal and a hard boiled egg white.  Doesn't sound too interesting, right?  I just had a snack, and it was a 100 calorie pack of pretzel sticks.  The salt content from those pretzel sticks really hit the spot for me... I kinda needed a little salty kick. 

I plan on fueling my lunchtime workout with a PB&J (who doesn't love a good PB&J?) and then have a post-workout salad, with grilled chicken and loads of other veggies.

Sounds like I stuck to a plan so far, doesn't it?  Here's my downfall...I get home from work... starving... and then really want something bad.  Fried chicken wings from the Chinese Carry Out, half a large pizza, some kind of fast food, OH MY! 

I write this to say... it's about balance.  I'm not going to keep myself from having those "bad" things and ban them from my life completely, but I'll just limit that type of intake, and get back on the bandwagon the next day. 

Just some food for thought...

Onward and upward...


P.S.  Look out for the recipes and pics of food... they are a-coming...


  1. Just forced down a really bland lean cuisine. Annoyed that it didn't taste good at all, but happy that my tummy is full lol.

  2. Full tummies are good... but try out the Archer Farm's frozen meals. They are pretty good... and if you look at the packaging... they can be pretty healthful
